The Benefits & Science Of Float Therapy

Why Choose Float Therapy...

With float therapy, the float tank creates a serene environment free of distraction and stimulus. Without the intense stimulation of our modern environment, we're able to experience ourselves as pure consciousness! We're able to come closer to who we are.

This experience has provided insight and inspiration for many people to begin the journey of extreme self-transformation positively. Along with its ability to inspire and assist us in stepping into our greatness, flotation therapy provides deep relaxation and pain relief for the mind and body.

Float Therapy has been shown to dramatically lower the stress hormone cortisol which causes anxiety, suppresses the immune system, and contributes to weight gain. Stress is the number one cause of disease, so when we relieve stress from ourselves we get to experience life in a completely different way. Imagine a body free of pain & tension, and a clear, relaxed, focused mind.

By keeping ourselves in optimum health we can move through the ebb and flow of life as our most expansive selves! Come visit our Wellness Spa in Montrose, Colorado.

What is a Float Tank

A flotation tank is a large, enclosed, saltwater bath designed to minimize sensory input to the brain. The water is about ten inches deep with over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved into it. This creates such buoyant water that anyone, no matter their body composition, can float effortlessly like a swan on a lake. There is virtually no sense of gravity and the temperature of the environment is skin temperature. The tank is completely silent and dark, so there is nothing to see, hear, smell, feel or taste. Since the user wears nothing into the tank, lying in such a senseless environment for even a short period of time will give the user a vacation from their body, pain, tension, and stress. The environment will also allow you a unique and intimate experience with yourself found nowhere else.

Floating is a more scientific approach to relaxation and meditation. It allows deep relaxation for the user in an almost weightless environment. It gives the body a chance to heal itself and the mind a chance to realign itself. It also helps to deepen one's understanding of the human experience.


30 Minute Session | $40

Step into our sensory deprivation float tanks for a moment of recovery - pain relief, total relaxation, and better sleep.


60 Minute Session | $50

Time for a little ME time. Take an hour-long float in order to step into deeper recovery and meditative rest.


90 Minute Session | $80

Totally immerse yourself in float therapy. Relax, recover and unwind in our sensory deprivation tanks.


Looking for more to do at Soak Wellness Spa? Book a massage alongside your float for the ultimate relaxation experience.

Check out our massage offerings here.

The Science Behind Float Therapy

Hard Science

Dr. Justin Feinstein is the Director of the Float Clinic & Research Center (FCRC) at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR). The FCRC's mission is to investigate the effects of Flotation-REST on both body and brain, as well as explore its potential as a treatment for promoting mental health and healing. Anxiety and depression are the two most common psychiatric conditions, impacting more than 25% of the population, and representing the leading cause of disability, worldwide.

Recent meta-analyses and large-scale clinical trials suggest that only about half of patients improve with traditional western treatment, with substantially poorer outcomes and adherence in patients with comorbid anxiety and depression.

Given the poor treatment response and adherence to traditional therapies, it's imperative to explore new ways of helping people with anxiety and depression. This presentation unveils the results from the first-ever float study conducted on a large group of patients spanning the spectrum of different anxiety and stress-related disorders, including PTSD, Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, and Generalized Anxiety.

The findings detail the clinical and physiological changes induced by the float experience. Research papers have now been published based on the findings presented in this video.


People all across the globe are visiting float tank centers in hopes of facilitating states of sensory deprivation. With decades of promising research, why is floating so unknown and underutilized? The result of a trip across the United States, Float Nation explores the resurging trend of floating, its many uses, and the reason for its disappearance.

Floating & The Immune System

M.C.Flux is a researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder. He has extensively studied the mechanisms involved with the immune system. In this talk from the 2018 Float Conference, Flux breaks down the biochemical process that happens as we enter the fight or flight stage and how it triggers an immune response. He also presents some of the first data showing how float therapy might have an impact on this process.